OMG people at my school were saying like racist crap about Obama being president yesterday and today
Like even alot of the teachers were pissed off giving lectures in our class about how America is now in the wrong direction with Obama as president of the United States of America.
So today like the principle called a assembly and he was like " i know we all have envy, and jealousy, but understand that this is a historic moment" or something like that.
Then yesterday this one girl wrote on Facebook how she couldnt sleep because she was A"thinking of ways to assasinate Obama". Then one of my friends who is joining the army next year was talking about how he wanted to assasinate him TOO!!! im like WTF!!!!!!! Then he told me and my other friends that when Bush was in office we said we wanted to assasinate him to which WE DID NOT!!!!
Dis shizness is crazy!!! Keep in mine out of the 750 people that go too my High School its only like 60 black people so me and my friends was all pissed today at lunch because almost EVERYONE was talking about how the world was freaking going to end as soon as he officially becomes president (Teachers too). My school is like very very very very Conservative. Like im the only democratic person and my election class.
O yea speaking of my election class, I DIDNT GO TO SCHOOL ON MONDAY AND FRIDAY because I voluntered for the Barack Obama Campaign on Monday and Tuesday!!!!! On monday we went to from Downtown Cleveland to my neighboor hood, but on Tuesday we went door to door in THE HOOD, im talking INNER INNER INNER INNER city cleveland, dogs was barking, brothas was chillin on da porch smokin swisha sweets, i think saw 2pac!!!.
But we got like younger people who didnt know where to vote out to vote. It was sad how some kids didnt even know where to vote. We picked this one girl up and she said she wanted to vote and she knew where it was to vote. So she told us where to go and she said turn at the next light; as we turn at the light we see a mother frakin GROCERYSTORE, then she told "yea we can vote inside here right?
" Keep in mind she is 19 YEARS OLD!!!!!!! Im trying to hold in my laugh because of the sadness of that statement.
But we eventually got her down to the Board of Elections and she voted yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And that is my story over the weekend, o wait im not finished...
on friday me my three friends, and this fine looking girl (she was 19 too ;D) (and half indian ;D) went down to this local college that is about 50 mins away from where I live, because it was a party down there.
After we parked in one of the parking lots and only found holloween parties with random college guys dressed up in dresses, my friend then rolled up some weed and smoked and got high and was acting stupid. And then we were trying to get some alchoholic bevarages driving around aimlessly in this college town when we finally stopped at this gas station.
The fine looking girl got out the car and was just about to get some semherenuff(dont know how you spell it, i guess if I dont know how to smell it I shouldnt be drinking it) by like flirting with the gas station guy but he said since it was 3 o clock he couldnt do it because they can give out liqur after 1 a.m.
So the dude that was driving high went home and
we then went back to the girls little apartment, then she like changed into her PJ's and we just talked, and my friend thought he was going to get some "you know what" but he didnt because it was 5 o clock in the morning and he had to be at work in AN HOUR AND THIRTY MINUTES. So i drove like hella fast on the highway and dropped dat dude off and then I went home and to bed at 6 30 a.m only to be awakened and hour later to drop my other friend off.
And these are Mr.Blahs confessions...thank you
*walks away from the microphone*
(I was bored)
If you read all of this i give you a high five *high five*
All statements above are completly true