It's a house like no other where 52 cameras follow your every move and 95 microphones capture your every word! This is the Big Brother House! Tonight, 13 strangers will enter the Big Brother House with one goal in mind - to be the last one standing. They will live in total confinement, cut off from the outside world. Every week the houseguests will compete for food, luxury, and most important, power. Each week they will vote to evict one of their own until only one houseguest remains to capture the $500,000 prize. An unfortgettable experience is about to begin - NOW on URTV3.
Julie Chen: Good evening and WELCOME to URTV Big Brother 4! Tonight, 13 people will embark on the journey of a lifetime each with the dream of walking away the winner. And this season - we're speeding things up a bit! For the first time in URTV history, there will be no more week-long processes of crowning Head of Households, Golden Power of Veto holders, and evicting fellow houseguests. A number of houseguests will be evicted each week and in just a few weeks, we will already have had a winner. And in a URTV first - the game will begin before they even enter the house! Tonight, our houseguests will learn a secret and have to make a very tough decision. But we'll tell you more about this a little later on. But first, just a few days ago - the Big Brother houseguests were surprised with their keys to the house!
[ Various clips of houseguests receiving their key are shown. After all the clips of everyone jumping up and down in excitement are over, an interviewer appears asking the camera a question. It then scrolls through a series of houseguests answering it in front of their family and friends. ]What can you bring to the table to URTV4?
Scott: I plan on being more of a character, being noticed more and not overlooked.
Jessie: I can bring anything to the table,but i can show you that you can be a good player without losing your self.
April: Whatever I want!
Dan: Uhhh I can promise it won't be a boring season with me
What type of strategy do you plan on using?
Angie: I would LIKE to have one close ally that I can trust fully and then go from there.
Sharon: I plan on just being that extra vote for a few weeks until I manage to weasel my way into an alliance, which is when I'll start playing the game
Libra: Be myself, which includes being genuinely nice to people, befriending them and using my intelligence to make it to the end.
What type of people would you like to align with?
Jameka: People who have different views than my own, it's always nice to have variations through the game.
Jun: I can align with just about anyone and everyone.
David: Friendly people. Anyone who likes to chatter away.
What type of people do you NOT want to run into?
Jen: Someone like Howie from URTV3
Brian: Douchebags.
Daniele: Alyssa.
[ Clips are shown of the houseguests saying their goodbyes, gathering their things, and walking out the front door to the car awaiting them....the same process they'll have to do if they are evicted from the Big Brother house. ]---
[ Julie Chen and the 13 houseguests are standing in the backyard. ]Julie Chen: Well, houseguests...welcome to URTV4! As you can see, you are not in front of the Front Door as we usually start things. Things will be changing up a bit for this season. For now, I'll leave you with Big Brother itself to tell you some news. Good luck, houseguests.
[ Julie cuts her mic and the houseguests are left bewildered as to what will happen next. Some put their bags down and start to talk amongst themselves, chattering about what could possibly be going on. A voice interupts them. ]Welcome.... to URTV4. This is usually the part... where I let you guys rummage through the house.... claim a room.... and introduce yourselves. We won't be going through that right now..... As you can see...the house is on a bit of..... a lockdown.
The house will open eventually.... but first you are going to have to make a very tough... game changing decision. What that decision is.... will be announced.... later.
For now.... I highly encourage you get to know your houseguests quite well.
That is all
[ Some houseguets looked shocked and confused as to what this could mean. After some confusion, the houseguests try to ligthen the mood by introducing each other. ]Scott: Well, I'll start I guess. I'm Scott, ready to play some Big Brother. Some may say I'm a bit abrasive and rude, but in reality I'm just honest. Maybe this time around, I'll be a little nicer. Maybe.
Angie: Hi Scott! Hi everyone! I'm Angie and I'm looking forward to get to know everyone. This should be fun and I'm very excited!
Jen: I'm Jen, also looking forward to this game!
Daniele: Hey, I'm Daniele! And ditto times two!
Brian: Hello everyone. I'm Brian. I'm very excited to be playing this game with you all.
April: Hey, I'm April. I'm hoping to make friends, enemies, good times, bad times or whatever is in store. I'm excited to play anddd hope to do well!
David: Hi, hi! I'm David. My goal is to get past week 1! I set low expectations for myself... tehe! Haha, but in all honesty I'm here for the social experience so if you ever see me, talk to me. I love chatting.
Dan: Suup guys? Dan the man is here and I'm ready to do better than win? Uhhh...Naah, I'm here to make friends more or less and I can't wait to get this started. And no worries, I promise this time there will be no nomination roulette.
Sharon: Haha I'm Sharon. And I'm here for the BEEBIES MY FURRIENNDS!
Libra: Hi guys, Libra here.
Jun: Sup Y'all! Jun Song in the house. I'm ready to get this party started..
Libra: Hey there Jun!
Angie: Hey everyone!!!
Julie Chen: Welcome back to Big Brother. Our houseguests are stirring after being locked out of the house and learning that they'll have to make a very tough decision soon.
[ We cut to a shot of Jun wandering around the backyard, away from the group. Libra approaches. ]Libra: JUN! Libra here
Jun: Libra! Whats up girl?
Libra: Nothin' much getting stinking tired, wanting the announcement to come soon, haha.
Jun: Aren't we all? I'm pumped.
Libra: Me too, I'm like a kid.
Jun: I'm trying to get a feel for the people, see who i want to try and connect with....
Libra: Yeah, same here.
Jun: Seeing anything potential yet?
Libra: I've been talking to Scott a bit, seems kinda cool. You seem cool too.
Jun: Thanks. You're up there on my list as well.
Libra: Sa-weet!
Jun:[Confessional] I have a feeling I will be able to manipulate this one pretty easy without a struggle.....Old Junsy has some tricks up her sleeve and she's not afraid to use em...just ask KC .
[ We cut to Jessie and David in mid-conversation. ]David:[/b] I let him play with my balls, haha.
Jessie: What are talking about?
David:[Stammering] OHHHH, haha. Wrong person. Lulz, hi.
Jessie: Yeah, hi.
[Pointing to self] *Is retarded* Sorry, haha. Sooooooo..... ignore all of that cuz I'm a doofus.....and let's start over. Hi, how are you?
Jessie:[Chuckling] Fine. How are you?
David: Embarassed but other then that all good...excited for the game to start...sorry, I'm friends with another Jessie.
Jessie: Embarassed? You don't who I am do you?
David: are Jessie in URTV4?
Jessie: I was the person that played the most important part in your eviction last season.
David: ...Howie?
Jessie: Yeah.
David: Hi Howie! We get to play again!
Jessie: Yeah. I swear to god, I will not screw you over again.
[ Conversation transitions to what the announcement could be. ]David: Yeah, that's frightening to me
Jessie: He makes us vote for HOH again, I'll kill him, haha.
David: I know. Stupid popularity contest.
Jessie: I'll do whatever it takes to get us there Ii want another URTV3'er in All-Stars.
David: I think we can do it. We just gotta watch each other's backs and keep it on the down-low.
Jessie:[Confessional] This "game changing choice" better not be another one of those karma comps, because that competition sucked major balls. But just in case it is, I'm going to try to get on everyone's good side just, you know, talk to them.... tell them things about me and just make them feel close to me so that if they do end up voting for HOH, they vote for me.
[ Sharon, Dan, and April are seen laughing and talking in the corner of the backyard near the hammock. ]Sharon:[Confessional] I see Dan and April as allies and we already have a F3, we're not pulling a Brian but yeah. But when F3 comes around and I'm there, I'd really have to fight in order to stay, because they're loyal to the end.
Dan:[Confessional] We scooped her in no time and told her "Final 3" she happily accepted, I'm just PRAYING she won't have an epiphany and be like "They're gonna take each other at F3, I need to find a higher ally" or something and screw us over. So as of right now it's April, Sharon, and I = Final 3.
Julie Chen: Welcome back to URTV4! The houseguests are still wondering just what that secret announcement is going to be. Well, it's time to find out. Let's take a look.
[ We cut back to the backyard. The houseguests seem to be having a good time, but Big Brother interrupts them. ]
I think you have all had enough time to ponder about what Big Brother has in store for you. You've had a lot of time to chat and get to know your other houseguests. But soon you will be making a game-changing, and for one of you, game-costing decision.
Even though you are not yet in the Big Brother house. You can peer into it. If you look at the will see that there are only 12 beds. Why is this? Only 12 of you will be entering the Big Brother house. That means that one of you....will be evicted very shortly.
There is no HOH. There is no Power of Veto. There is no nominations. There are no competitions. For this surprise snap eviction, there is no need for anyone to be in power. You all have the power in your hands.
When it's time, you will step up on the small stage designed for this special event...and announce who you will be voting to evict and why. There is no hiding here. You will be doing this publicly in front of everyone to see. The order you do it in is up to you.
This will not start now. You will have an additional amount of time to discuss this curveball. A new thread will be created for voting later today. You are to take this very seriously.
That is all.
[ The houseguests are left dumbfounded. Some are heard saying "Oh my god", others are just dead quiet. After a few moments, the houseguests start stirring about the decision. We cut to a shot of Jessie thinking and Jen approaches him. ]Jen: Hey Jessie!
Jessie: Hi, how are you?
Jen: Doing well, thanks! How are you?
Jessie: I'm going...I just heard the announcement.
Jen: Ok. Well, have a good day!
Jessie: You too.
Jessie:[Confessional] Are you kidding me? That's the first conversation your going to have with someone. I at least knew Jun for like a week before i did this to her last season, and really with the voting thing coming up you think she would be a little nicer. This conversation does not say keep Jen she can help me, this conversation says vote the bitch out.
[ We cut to Scott and Angie talking near the pool. ]Scott: Were you James?
Angie: Who were you?
Scott: I'll take that as a yes.
Angie: Who were you???
Scott: Ok, ok...I'll tell you....once you confirm or deny if you were James.
Angie: Oh, I am.
Scott:[Points to self] Roddy.
Angie: Oh yeah right? Yay! I kew it was you! Well...not REALLY, but I had a feeling.
Scott: Well, at least we aren't enemies. And at any rate, this is a brand new game.
Angie: So I was thinkinggggggg...I think it would be a good idea for us to work together for 2 reasons. 1) I saw how loyal you were to Will last season and 2) you must have seen how loyal I was to Chelsia. Which pretty much makes me trust you because being loyal to Will? That's a pretty good accomplishment.
Scott: I completely agree. I know that we'd be completely loyal to each other which is a nice feeling.
Angie: Exactly. Definitely. That's how I am. And I'll tell you though, the reason it worked out with me and Chelsia was because we told each other everything. Like I knew about everything.
Scott: Will... well he was kind of a snake. But I had made a deal with him, so I had to keep him.
Angie: No doubt. I understand.
Scott: Well, cool. You are officially my alliance.
Angie: Ok good. Yay I'm glad!
[ We cut to Libra whispering amongst a few people, namely Jessie, and then to Angie. What is it about? ]Libra:[Confessional] I'm convincing people to vote for Jameka because she hasn't said anything and hasn't been active at all. I said it would be cowardly for anyone to kick off an active person right away.
Scott:[Confessional] I'm actually not concerned, which sounds really cocky. The only name that I've been hearing is Jameka so I'm not to concerned. I'm going to try to push people to vote Jameka to protect me and. I'm pretty confident in it, I just don't want to be the first to post
Daniele:[Confessional] The majority's consensus is Jameka. I think she will be the first one out the door.
[ The houseguests are getting prepared to vote, and Jameka is catching on that she may be getting voted out. The camera pans on her laying low and staying quiet on the end of the line. ]Jameka:[Confessional] Those bitches are dumb. Just sayin'.
Welcome to this seasons first Eviction Ceremony. We're kicking things off with a Snap Eviction.
I would like everyone to now reveal who they will be voting to evict. When you are ready...stand, give an opening statement if you wish to, cast your vote to evict, and give a reason why.
The time and order you do this in is completely up to you. Only rule is that you have 24 hours to vote. Other than that, there really are none. You can vote any of the thirteen houseguests - including yourself. If you don't vote within 24 hours, you will receive a self-vote. EVERYONE must vote, even if we've already accomplished the majority.
[ All the houseguests look at each other, nobody wanting to break the ice. David decides to do it and steps up onto the stage. ]David: Ugh, this is a horrible way to start the game. I had a chance to speak to a lot of people and they are all friendly so i have to vote for who i haven't had a chance to speak to....Jameka.
[ David steps down and Dan immediately gets up onto the stage. ]Dan: Well someone does have to go and even if this is a sucky twist, i have to reiterate what David said and go with the person who has talk to me the least, err not at all for that matter. I'm sorry I vote Jameka.
[ The votes start pouring in after this. ]Jessie: I have to go with what they said,So because I talked to you the least I have you evict you, Jameka.
Jen: The same as above....Sorry, Jameka.
Jun: I'm going with the least active person, and as stated above....I vote to evict Jameka. Sorry girl.
Jameka: Well thats all well, since i just started. Fuck you......Oh and my votes for Jen.
[ Everyone ignores Jameka's harshness and probably makes the votes even easier....they continue on and on. ]Daniele: I have to agree and jump on the bandwagon. I haven't seen much of you or heard much of you. Sorry. I vote to evict Jameka.
Angie: Sorry. I have to vote to evict Jameka for the same reasons stated above.
[ Jameka, growing overly frustrated, dashes up onto the stage and begins a rant. ]Jameka: Never have I ever in my life seen such a pack of ignorant ass bitches until now with all your dumb skank fat motherfucking bitch asses. SUCK MY DICK BITCH, and if any of yall nasty nappyheaded hoes got some shit to say expect a bottle upside ya head mmmkay bitch come correct at me too my nigga.
[ Angie, who has barely stepped off the stage by now, looks shocked. ]Jameka: Bitch quit staring with yo googly eyed ass... this is not a show for you sweetie skeet skeet bitch.
[ There's a small awkward silence, but Sharon breaks the ice. ]April: Well stating everything above, and because she's being a bitch. I evict.. Jameka.
[ And it just gets worse from there.... ]April: Just because I can ... Jameka.
[ Jameka, again, disrupts. ]Jameka: Sharon shave your mustache... April get a motherfucking face lift and quit bending over for them black boys...
Brian: I'm just gonna go with the flow on this one. JAMEKA!
[ The girls get into a scuffle off-stage as others go up onto it. ]April: Them black boys got it. What can I say?
Sharon: Jameka equals Owned. And l-m-a-o at mustache. Oh I'm mad at someone I'm gonna clap in their face.
Jameka: April yes they do got it, get them bags out ya eyes get some rest and go to bed.... Sharon... Hunny your embarassing yourself with that fake ass blonde weave.
Sharon: Sharon doesn't have a weave.
Jameka: Sorry hunny try again and sharon does have weave as soon as i inject breast cancer all up in that bitch.
[ Finally someone decides to vote, none other than Libra. ] Libra: I hate to break the chain, so I vote for JAMEKA
[ Scott quickly gets onto the stage as the last vote to end this. ]Scott: I'm more than happy to vote Jameka
[ Julie Chen appears on the outside TV screen. These is still a very tense mood within the group. ]Julie Chen: Thank you, houseguests. I have to make it official. By a vote of 12-1, Jameka, you have been evicted from the Big Brother House.
[ Jameka grabs her things and leaves through the back entrance without saying another word. The houseguests all seem to be glowing. ]Julie Chen: Alright houseguests, it's the moment you've been waiting for. Furniture. Bedrooms. Food. It's time to open the house. Tomorrow, we'll crown our first Head of Household.
[ The doors unlock and in a scene nearly reminisent to everyone exploring the Chocolate Room in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the houseguests flood into the house and rummage all around. We see various shots of the houseguests claiming their beds, finally getting a bite to eat, or finally getting the chance to sit on some real furniture in the lounge. We cut back to Julie Chen. ]Julie Chen: What's in store for the houseguests in this fast paced season of twists and turns? We'll just have to find out.
Big Brother Announcer Man:[/color] Who will win the Head of Household? And who will they nominate for eviction? Find out next time on Big Brother!